Educating you on the goods and the bads of this lifestyle is very important to us and so when one of our lovely readers reached out and wanted to share her experience with submissiveness and the danger it can sometimes bring when we open ourselves up to cuckolding. We hope you enjoy it!
Hey everyone, I wanted to get this off of my chest, they say sharing a problem makes you feel better and at this point, I am trying to take all of the help I can get to try and help me out of this strange situation. Once you have read my ‘big mistake’ I would appreciate any feedback or advice you could give me, I have spoken to Jack and Sarah extensively about it and I still am unsure about what I should do.
I Have A Submissive Husband
I love him and he is my perfect emotional fit, but he doesn’t have a backbone and this has made me lose sexual attraction to him. I am just being truthful, he wasn’t always like this though.
I’m not sure what happened to his backbone, his brother and his dad have real masculine traits and my husband used too, but the past few years he has just lost that flair.
We have spoken about cuckolding before as he told me he had an interest in it a few years ago and it’s come up even more since he has become way more submissive but I know I would be doing it just to fuck someone else at this point not to actually fulfill a fantasy. The idea of cuckolding has floated around our relationship for years and if we were to fix these issues I would be really open to trying it out. We have come really close to in the past but never properly acted upon it and now with my husband’s new attitude, I doubt I could ever do it with someone so submissive.
My husband and I are like best friends and I’d never want to lose him, but…
I Just Needed My Fix In The Bedroom
I wanted to be fucked hard and have some control taken away from me, by a real masculine man. I was fantasizing about fucking someone else all of the time, thinking about having them fuck me as I had never been fucked before. I was having dreams where I was fucking these men, I was daydreaming about it and even masturbating about it too. I knew I needed something to change drastically, my body was literally begging me for it.
I Decided To Tell My Bestfriend About His Submissiveness
I told her everything, explaining how unhappy I was and how we had been talking about cuckolding for months but now it was if I had made up my mind and gone behind his back with my fantasies. My best friend sat me down and she told me to go to find a random guy who matched what I was looking for and have some fun, nothing sexual just fun.
She made a whole plan and she downloaded Tinder on my phone.
I started talking to a really hot guy and we arranged a date, I kept texting him and flirting for the rest of the week. It was so exciting and he seemed so perfect for me when it came to the bedroom, it was dominant and he wanted to put me in my place. I had tingles whenever our chat got sexually heated and I even knew that if I told my husband what I was doing he wouldn’t care because he had become so passive and submissive.
I wanted this to be the start of our cuckolding dreams but it couldn’t be because I was going behind his back and he was just so passive about everything. We were all meeting for a few drinks and a bit of a flirt anyway, I didn’t need to tell my husband anything.
I Had A ‘Girly night’ at my friend’s house
I told my husband that I was going to my friend’s house for a girly night of movies and drinks, the first part was true, I was going to my friend’s house it’s just wasn’t exactly for a girly night in.
As I left I felt slightly guilty but then it all disappeared when I remembered how much I wanted this and how if it fixed my problems meeting this guy I could tell my husband and we could even start cuckolding if he just became a little bit less submissive, right?
He wouldn’t even need to know that I met someone else just to see if I had an urge in real life as he was too much of a pussy to fuck me properly, would he? These are the questions that plagued my mind.
It Was Time To Meet Him
My friend and I met this guy for drinks. It was great fun, we really hit it off and we had some great sexual chemistry after all of the flirtings we had been doing in the weeks leading up to this.
It was so much fun and we all got on so well, thoughts of my submissive husband had just melted from my mind. Part of me wondered if this was all part of a plan of his? Perhaps he was getting off knowing I wanted a real man to fuck me?
Going Back To My Friends House
I was just meant to go for drinks, but we started kissing when my friend went to use the bathroom and he started feeling me up right there at the table and my logical brain switched off and I just wanted to fuck him. I didn’t care if this was my husband’s plan all along, I didn’t care that I wasn’t supposed to be fucking him just having some fun, he was perfect for me at the time and I knew he was going to deliver in the bedroom.
When my friend came back from the bathroom, I was basically breathless, I asked my best friend if we could go back to her place for a while and she agreed, I don’t think she realized at the time it was for sex. Once we got into the taxi she could see we were all over one another and she tried tapping me, tried to make me sense but I just didn’t care.
Having Sex In Her Spare Room
We went straight to her spare room, I thanked her before rushing in and locking the door behind us.
We did everything.
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He made me beg for his big cock, he controlled me and he even told me when to cum. He was totally dominating me, taking complete charge, and making me feel as if I was a complete submissive under his charm.
I’m not sure if it was the nerves or the adrenaline from fucking him and knowing that I was actually cheating on my husband for the first time in my life that made the sex so much better, but it was so orgasmic, I’ve never cum like it and I felt like every touch ran bolts of electricity through my body.
He was inflamed with desire too, fucking me with passion and dominance, taking charge, and letting his body do whatever it wanted.
He Left At 4 AM (Texts From My Submissive Hubby)
By 4 am we were both exhausted, the smell of sex filled the air and he needed to get home and so did I. My friend had long gone to bed and so we both tiptoed out of her house and went our separate ways. I don’t live far so I just ran home, my shoes in my hand and my panties rolled up inside of my purse. I felt like a teenager, it was thrilling.
I checked my phone as I ran and there was a text from my husband at 1 am telling me he loved me and that he hoped I was having a nice time with my friend. A pang of guilt washed over me but then I remembered the sex, the glorious sex, and I got shivers all of my pussy. Part of me wondered did my husband know? Was he getting off to it?
I Feel Really Guilty
I got home, showered, and got straight into bed. The next day my husband and I watched a movie, he then ordered me a lovely takeout and it was one of the nicest nights we had had in a long time. I felt so guilty I went to the bathroom and cried, it was awful.
But, the next day the guilt when a text popped through from this guy, I started texting him back and all of the feelings washed over me again. Making me so wet and horny.
I can’t stop sexting this guy, I love my husband so much, but I can’t live without experiencing the feelings I felt that night again. The cheating part has become a new fantasy for me, it’s a thrill and I love acting like the lonely housewife on her way to get fucked.
Can I Have A F**k Buddy And Stay Married?
I would really value your advice, just leave it in the comments below and I will be sure to read everything. Can you be married and have someone you fuck on the regular who fulfills your desires and fantasies?
Do I tell my husband and admit to him what I did and see if it leads us into the cuckold lifestyle?
What should I do?
We all have needs in are life. We only go around once. If you feel the need to tell your husband you need more, than do it. When you live your life for another person, you loose yourself. I’m kind of in a situation where my wife shut down sexually some years ago. Two years ago I’d had enough and found a Mistress. I’m a submissive male and love it. My wife doesn’t know and I just don’t care. I’m doing my thing and she cares more about the cat than me and that’s OK. I’m having my fun without her. She was a terrible sex partner anyway.
It’s really nice for you to have cuckolding passive beta male I have also introduced strong male to my desi wife and they enjoyed in front of me watching them .iam really proud of my wife she is more independent in my marital life in all the way she peggs me with 9 inch dildo strapon regularly
As a totally submissive husband, who is in a cuckold marriage. My wife entered into a nearly 20 year relationship with a old boyfriend from high school. They didn’t meet up often, due to distance, maybe once every 2 months, but communicated often. He apparently was the most sexually aggressive and controlling man that she had ever been involved with and she had enjoyed lengthy intimate relationships with 4 other men outside of our long marriage. She was a virgin when we met.
This old bf after a few meetings would tell my wife when, where he wanted to see her and what he expected her to wear. Once he had her drive to his house on a lake (he was divorced) and instructed her to remove all of her clothes somewhere along the ride and to only wear her trench coat and shoes when she arrived at his door. He also had the largest dick she could ever imagine, something she never knew about as a teenager. According to her she had no idea of the depth of pleasure she was capable of experiencing with this man. She craved the unique feeling of his dick and he knew it and often made her actually beg him to enter her. My wife has never begged anyone for anything.
He would enjoy hearing her tell how much better both orally and vaginally he was able to satisfy her then her husband, who he had known casually. He eventually was made aware that I knew about and consented to their special relationship and that knowledge only served to empower him, because on a few occasions he spoke with me when calling her phone to hear me admit that there was no problem with them going away for a weekend. To his credit, he did fly/drive her to expensive venues. Apparently he enjoyed flaunting their affair to me and I am sure to others.
She desired not only their sex, but also the feeling of submitting to his strong personality that controlled her in and out of bed, something I am obviously incapable of ever providing.
I had encouraged her over the years to try to find a “strong” guy who was significantly opposite of me, as we all need balance in our emotional lives and my wife has had for years virtual total control over me, the household and our sexual activities, so she no experience of any push back from her husband, as everything was always “her way”. She eventually admitted in conversations that she realized she does needs a man to periodically show some domination over her, but she couldn’t allow that person to be me, as it would only be a bedroom game and if sincere, the change would alter our relationship.
Her rekindled relationship with this old bf was not intended to provide that difference, was only supposed to be for fun, but soon after they became intimate she realized he had those qualities in a man she felt she needed.
After an assignation with him, she is a significantly different woman for a few days, being far less demanding of me.
There has never been any guilt or resentment issues between us, as I am happy to allow my wife to enjoy intimacies of other men, knowing in the end she comes home to me. We accept who we are. Always very open in our communications concerting cuckolding, no secrets about our inner feelings or what occurs during those relationships. Never had a bad or embarrassing experience during any of her lengthy affairs
You should tell your husband. I usually get horny reading the stories on this blog, but your story just made me feel sad for your husband. I feel like the ideas you have about your cheating being all part of some master plan your husband cooked up, is just you trying to justify yourself and make yourself feel less guilty about your cheating. Im not judging you, women have needs that deserve to fulfilled.I love my soon to be wife, we have great sex and I have a 7 in cock the she loves. However, I’ll admit I don’t always last the longest so if she ever came to me and said she wanted to fuck another man that could make her cum for hours, I would happily let her. I would be pissed if she started fucking someone behind my back though.
Please tell him and cuckold him it will be so much better for all three of you
Wow..this is pretty sad. You should confess to your husband instead of trying to justify yourself. If you want your husband to change, you should try motivating him to do’s not always the man’s fault the bed gets cold.
I’m sorry but this is wrong on so many levels. You are living your husbands fantasy without him. He wants to see you fucked by other men. You get fucked by other men without even letting him know, let alone watch! You do not love him. If you did you wouldn’t do this to him! You could be fucking heaps of guys, he could be having his fantasy as well but instead you betray him! What have you done! I hope he leaves you and finds the hot wife he deserves.